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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

The Birth-chart sections in Vedic Astrology

The Vedic astrology birth-chart consists of 12 different sections, referred in the astrology terminology as 'houses'. In this article, we will discuss the significance and area of our life, that these houses depict.

1. First house or the Ascendant:

The ascendant or the first house of the birth chart, also known as the rising sign, is one of the 12 signs of the zodiac which was rising over the horizon at the exact time of the horizon, relative to the longitude and latitudinal coordinates of the location of birth.

It is one of the most important houses in a birth chart as it is both a quadrant as well as a trine house. It relates to one’s appearance, character, attitude, personal disposition and behavior. The sign, degree of the ascendant, as well as the planets placed in it, as well as their degrees, conjunction (whether strong or weak), as well as the aspects on the ascendant, is what describes and defines one’s overall personality and attitude towards the world and life in general. For example, an exalted sun in the sign of Aries in the ascendant will make one a very confident and grounded person, with a patriotic and just outlook towards life, and a strong character. This person will also be very driven, with a great amount of will power and energy to go forward and achieve success and a high status in life. These attributes will change and differ, based on the position of Mars in the horoscope, as Mars is the ruler of the sign of Aries, and an equally well-placed Mars in Leo, or Scorpio, or exalted in Capricorn, will promise the above-mentioned attributes of Sun in Aries in the ascendant, however, a debilitated Mars, (unless receiving a fully complete Neech-Bhanga Raj yoga), may considerably alter those attributes for the worst. Similarly, Saturn’s aspect on the ascendant placed Sun (being an enemy), may spoil those results, by enforcing some doubts in the otherwise confident mind, and putting the person through some situations which may humble him down, but at the same time, it will give the person an insight into the masses, and also instill discipline. So, Saturn being negative and an enemy to the Sun may still give some positivity from its aspect, but a friendly aspect or conjunction, like with Mars or with Mercury, in this case will always be much better.

Mercury and Jupiter gain directional strength here in this house and are generally considered very auspicious in this house.

2. Second house:

The second house in astrology, relates to one’s family life, wealth, and how it is gained. A strong 2nd house, or well-placed planets or positive aspects on this house, depicts a stable sense of spending, and acquiring and creating wealth. Such individuals make the most out of the income they earn, as in to save and grow their earned income, it shows a happy and balanced family life in general. Again, all of these may change, based on the aspects and placements in and on the house, as well as the placement of the lord of the second house. Unfavorable placements and aspects and condition of the second house will show the adverse side of the same, and the degree and intensity of either will be directly dependent on the same.

3. Third house:

The third house, which is considered a mildly bad house, is also one of the four Upachya houses, apart from the 6th, 10th and the 11th house. This means, any planets, placed in these houses, especially the malefic and mild malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Sun do well here, and they get better with time and age.

This house significates one’s courage, younger siblings, all forms of communication, short distance travel. So, a slow-moving planet like Saturn in this house depicts someone who is slow, but thorough with communication. It can also depict a book writer, which takes a long time. Similarly, Mercury here can depict very sharp and witty communication, even someone who can rap. A strong Mars here may depict a very strong and courageous person, just like also in the 10th house.

4. Fourth house:

The fourth house, is one of the four ‘important’ and auspicious quadrant houses in astrology, and inherently depicts your assets such as land, property, and also vehicles and general conveniences in life, along with your mother, home environment. This house is very important for a balanced and happy life. Moon and Venus attain directional strength here.

5. Fifth house:

The fifth house, primarily is considered as the house of our children, romantic relationships, early education, speculative gains such as the ones through gambling or the stock market investments, as well as of our creativity. Many artists and creative performers are seen from here, specially with the placement of a strong Venus. It is considered as a trine house, and so considered auspicious. The Sun is the natural ruler of this house.

6. Sixth house:

The sixth house, while considered a malefic house, is also an Upachya house (which gets better with time), so some negative planets do very well here, especially Saturn and Mars. This is the house of competition, disputes, matters of health and illness (depending on how strong or weak this house is in your chart), daily wages and employment (not career), etc. Someone with a well-placed Mars in this house, can typically be successful in athletics and competitive sports.

7. Seventh house:

The house of your spouse, marriage and partnerships, even business partnerships. This will depict how we perceive our marriage as, and what we expect our partner to be like. This is also partly because it is considered as the descendant, or the opposite of the ascendant or us, so our partner. Unlike the fifth house, which is the house of romantic relationships, the seventh is more about serious long-term commitments, like marriage. So, typically, fifth lord in the seventh house, well placed will mean a happy marriage resulting from a romantic involvement. Saturn gains strength of direction here, even though it brings delay and troubles in relation to marriage, especially initially in life.

8. Eighth house:

Eighth house, generally considered a malefic house, also considered by some as also the house of death, is also considered the house of birth and re-birth, deep-rooted secrets and desires and sex and one’s attitude towards it, hidden treasures and again, secrets. Also, the house of one’s in-laws, partner’s money, inheritance, sudden events, etc. It is originally the sign of Scorpio, and a mysterious house in general. It is critical to understand this house placement. A balanced, positive influence on this house protects these significances related to it, and considered auspicious, however, the 6th, 8th and 12th house should be treated delicately due to the very nature of them, especially the 8th. A negative influence here can be amplified into a major flaw in one’s life. Since it is also the house of sudden occurrences, 8th lord in the 11th, related to the 5th, can lead to someone winning from speculation, even a lottery, when running in a period where a combination of these three house lords is involved. Also, a combination or exchange of lord of 6th, 8th or 12th placed in 6th, 8th or 12th is considered auspicious and known as a Vipareeta Raj Yoga, or reversal of fortune.

9. Ninth house:

The ninth, house primarily known as the house of your fortune, long distance travel, religious and spiritual beliefs, higher education, etc. It is also considered by some as the house related to your father, whereas mostly that is often seen by 10th house. Someone with a strong and positive 9th house will be blessed with grounded religious or spiritual beliefs as this is originally ruled by Jupiter, it will bring positive influences and correct belief systems in one’s life, whereas the opposite may make one believe in the wrong ideologies.

10. Tenth house:

The tenth house, another of the quadrants, and considered one of the most important quadrants after the 1st house, as well as the highest point in the chart at the time of birth, also known as the MC or Mid-heaven. It is the house of our status and career path and level of success and attainment in it. It defines the fields and the level of recognition with regards to our career and in general, the status we may achieve as a result of it. It is considered by a vast majority of astrological schools of thought and research, as the primary house related to one’s father. Mars and the Sun gain directional strength here, and a conjunction of the two here, is considered a very powerful combination, even sometimes in a relatively negative or bad sign.

11. Eleventh house:

The eleventh house is one of the most important houses in astrology, especially in today’s day and age of the 21st century, where money and gains are considered more important than our educational and spiritual attainments. It relates to the fulfillment of one’s wishes and desires. It is also the house of our elder siblings, friends, contacts, social alliances. If it is auspicious or has planets well placed in it, the 11th house, and the period of its lord or planets placed in it, can be considered a time of fulfillment of our desires and dreams.

12. Twelfth house:

The twelfth house or the last one in your chart is considered another malefic house, but depending on the sign and placement of planets it can be considered differently. It is, just like the 8th, also considered as a house related to secrets, hidden and behind the scene activities, bed-pleasures, foreign lands, hospitalization, isolation and isolated places, spirituality and spiritual gains, moksha (especially with a well-placed Moon, Jupiter or Ketu). Again, the concept of Vipareeta Raj Yoga will apply here. It is also our subconscious mind.

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