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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

AshtakVarga Point System in Vedic Astrology and Its Significance in Horoscope Analysis

Analysis of a Vedic Astrology horoscope, is based on a variety of methods and factors. Some of these methods are more commonly known than the others. Using the Ashtakvarga system, we can decipher how many bindus/points have the planets been assigned, as well as how many points the respective planets assign to specific houses pertaining to the birth-chart/horoscope in question. Planets get assigned, and can assign anywhere between 0 to 8 points (8, hence the name Ashtak-varga).

This system can be very crucial, since results can often be misinterpreted by skipping or ignoring this aspect of arriving at a prediction. For instance, Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer, is in its own Mooltrikona sign in Sagittarius, gets debilitated in Capricorn. Now, this may be the general consensus. However, for a particular chart, Jupiter may very well assign 7 points to the sign of Capricorn and just a mere 2 or 4 points to Cancer or Sagittarius. This can change all of the prediction an ignorant astrologer may provide if he misses this aspect.

This may especially be found very useful when analysing a planet's results while transiting through a particular house. As I write this, Jupiter is transiting through the sign of Sagittarius and Saturn is approaching the end of Sagittarius. The end of Sagittarius and beginning degrees of Capricorn are Vargottama degrees, where generally both Jupiter and Saturn would likely give excellent results based on which house they may influence during that time. An individual born during such a time, may think he has a trashed Jupiter, but that won't be true. It may well be the opposite case, and Ashtakvarga system is one way of recognising such discrepancies.

In the Ashtakvarga system as well, certain planets like Jupiter or Venus are usually known to provide higher points and Saturn usually is a bit miserly in giving a high score, hence anything above 4 given by Saturn should be considered as a very good score, and anything below 4 given by Jupiter be considered bad. However, always remember, no matter what technique or predictive methodology you apply, try to get to a conclusion through an overall holistic method of analysis, rather than jumping to an ultimate result through just one or two good or bad combinations.

May god bless us all.


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