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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

Love, Romantic Chemistry and Relationship Compatibility Through Vedic Astrology

Relationships. One of the most important and crucial pillars of our lives as humans. From our relationship with our parents, to our romantic partner or spouse, to our brothers and sisters, to our friends or colleagues. In order to lead a healthy life as a human in this world, a social circle, loving relationships are almost mandatory for our overall wellbeing. Out of the above mentioned, one of the commonly sought after relationship for most people during their adulthood is a life partner or spouse, even though in many cases parents always remain at the top of an individual's priority list, it is undeniably true that most of us spend a greatest majority of our lives with a special someone, hopefully for life if you're one of the lucky ones, and hopefully in a happy and enjoyable manner throughout.

Our hormones, emotional and physical requirements lead us to looking for and hoping a great and loving relationship with that special someone. But, with the excitement of being in a relation with that someone special, comes the anxiety of whether that person is the right one, or whether there will be good compatibility and if it will last. thankfully, Vedic astrology does help in providing some insights into such matters.

From the perspective of romantic relationships, love and potential life partners, astrology provides some great insights. So, we should take the chart of the two people in question and start evaluating and comparing their birth-charts together, by focusing on some of the aspects mentioned ahead. In the order of importance, we need to check and match the Venus, Mars, Moon and Ascendant ruler/lord of the boy and the girl. One of the methods of doing this is by superimposing one chart over the other, or by just doing it otherwise. We need to analyse these in both the main birth-chart as well as the D9 or Navamsa chart. We should analyse by seeing if the Venus and Mars of one partner is somehow related to the Venus and Mars of the other, whether by being placed in a common sign like Gemini or Aquarius or Cancer, or by checking the house placement in both the partner's charts. A correlation can be established even if they are placed opposite each other. In the opposite signs or opposite houses. Venus and Mars being strongly correlated is a pretty solid indication of compatibility, both romantic and physical. Especially when the Venus of one partner is strongly correlated to the Mars of the other, it denotes a strong passion and physical chemistry. Venus with the other person's Venus denotes more of a romantically associated chemistry. Besides this, the correlation between the Moon of both partners, is extremely important, as Moon indicates our emotions and emotional needs, our thought process, mentality, and we all know that after a point, most relationships thrive based on the emotional bonding. Even the physical chemistry after a certain point gets triggered through the channels of our mental and emotional bond and chemistry. Hence, if the Moon is strongly connected, as in being in the same sign, it is a very good indication. The Moon being tightly related to the other person's ascendant lord/ruler may also indicate good chemistry. But, there is nothing like the two people's Moon within 3-4 degrees of each other in the same sign.

Now, this particular aspect brings us to an even deeper point of analysis. To make sure that the compatibility is actually meaningful, we must dig deeper and ponder upon the Nakshatra or Constellation where the Moon is placed. Nakshatras would be discussed in detailed in other articles, but in general there are 27 Nakshatras that operate behind the 12 signs and some Nakshatras overlap between 2 signs. Now, the placement of the two individual's Moon in the same Nakshatra and the same sign within 3-4 degrees of each other is mighty in creating a very strong chemistry and compatibility for the individuals and can alone be very potent in making a relationship last. However, checking the Nakshatra placements of the other planets such as Venus, Mars and Ascendant ruler/lord also provides a good indication.

Besides, being in the very same Nakshatra, there are certain placements in certain different Nakshatras that can be highly compatible, even though they are not placed in the very same position. However, that would be going too deep to be described in one article. So, how are your planets correlated to your partner's? You can try to check yourself or contact me through my website and services.

Marriage and relationships are one of the biggest decisions we can take in our lives, and they can often change the course of our lives for better or worse. Astrology is a good tool to understand the grey areas in our lives and can be used as a guiding map, but prayer and God's blessings are still the most important. Wish you the best.

May god bless us all.


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