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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

MARS in Vedic Astrology - The Core of your Horoscope!

Do you like cars? If you do, you already know that they are basically a set of four wheels on a box of different shapes and sizes, fitted with different interiors, AND an Engine, which propels most of the above to fulfil its core purpose of movement and transportation, in an easier and quicker way.

Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with going into any details about cars or technology. But, simply put, this is the best metaphor I could think of to explain what Mars is in a Vedic astrological chart. It is the CORE of it all. It is the fuel that is required to propel that engine and almost all of its mechanical functions, without which the most beautiful and luxurious looking Ferrari is all but just a slick cabin.

Mars in Vedic astrology is quite similar to this. There are people who may be blessed with good looks, or people with a great intellect, people with some god gifted set of skills, or those with great ideas. However, without having a potent presence of Mars energy in their birth-chart, all of this can be rendered useless as they may be unable to use these skills or good looks or intelligence to actual use or to develop them for practical application in productive endeavours or actually take action to implement brilliant ideas into bringing about a working model of it. All in all, Mars is the Fuel and the ability to take Action. This is very important, because without this, many other positive combinations in a chart can be useless.

It is easy to spot people with a strong Mars, as they are usually the ones that are full of energy, full of zeal and the ability to push their ideas through to fruition. They have the fire that Mars blesses them with. In my research of many charts of celebrities and people to known to me, I have noticed that Mars was responsible for people going forward with their plans and seeing them through till the end. Although consistency and perseverance are words which may be better associated with Saturn, however Mars is persistence on top of that initial action.

So, how do you judge if a birth-chart has a well placed or potent Mars? Well, there are many complicated steps in order to find that. We can go through a few here. So, Mars placed in a favourable sign like its own sign of Aries or Scorpio is considered a good position. Mars exalted in Capricorn is also considered to be a great position, however, the placement of Saturn needs to be judged here as well. Thereafter, the directional strength of a planet, so Mars placed in the 10th house of a chart is said to possess the highest directional strength, whereas it is the lowest in the 4th house. Besides this, the overall Ashtakvarga score also matters. Besides this, the placement of Mars in the divisional charts, especially the D9 or Navamsa chart and the D60 chart is important. We also look at the conjunction of other planets with Mars, whether it is positive or negative, close or loose conjunction, etc., and also which planets aspect Mars.

All of these deductions then need to be compared and matched with the Shad bal as well as the Vimshopak bal with little or no discrepancy involved. After all of this, one can get a fair idea of how Mars is acting in a particular chart (This process can be applied to any other planet as well). One can get to know whether they need to put extra effort in their actions or whether they need to perform certain remedies or psychologically groom themselves to hone certain attributes in their attitude and personal disposition in case of some weakness with regards to the Mars. Having said that, there are many permutations and combinations which can alter the final result, and the overall chart needs be carefully analysed to understand the possible results. May God bless us all.


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