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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

Planetary Nature in Astrology: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Very often in astrology people talk about planets in terms of good, bad and ugly in their basic nature of operation. Most often, Saturn is famous for its malefic nature (even though it can confer great benefic results based on it's sign and house placement). Jupiter on the other hand is commonly known to give great positive results, which is also not always true.

In Vedic astrology, there are three sets of planetary natures. Malefic, Benefic and Neutral (neutral planet give results based on their association and aspect).

  • Benefic : Jupiter, Venus, Waxing or Full Moon.

  • Malefic: Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Last stages of waning Moon.

  • Neutral: Mercury.

Although it is true that the planets do keep their basic essence to a certain degree. Whether to a lesser or greater extent depends on many factors. One of the main and most important factors which help in understanding the kind of results a planet may confer can be gauged through the process of finding the 'functional' nature of the planets, which means how that planet behaves for the particular ascendant in question, based on it's house ownership.

The rules based on the ancient texts point to the following:

  • The ruler of the kendra/quadrant houses in astrology, meaning the ruler of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house becomes neutral, irrespective of whether it is naturally benefic or naturally malefic. According to me, for ease of calculation, such a planet should be awarded 0 points for being the ruler of these houses.

  • The ruler of 3rd, 6th and 11th becomes malefic for that chart, in increasing order. So, for ease of calculation, we can award a value of -1 for this planet. For the planet that rules 2 signs, a value of -2 should be awarded if a planet's Mooltrikone sign falls in such a house.

  • The ruler of 1st, 5th and 9th become benefic. So, lets award this planet a value of +1. In the same way as above, we award a value of +2 if a planet's Mooltrikone sign gets situated in such a house.

  • The ruler of 2nd, 8th and 12th house becomes neutral as well. So, we should assign a value of 0 to such a planet, and their overall nature for that chart should be decided based on the lordship of the other house ownership, unless it is Sun or Moon.

Besides these rules, special attention should be given to the house placement and the aspects on these planets, as many combinations can change the degree of functional and benefic nature of the planets. It can also result in a very mixed result, or better or worse result based on the other factors involved.


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