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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

Prayer, Subconscious Mind, Visualisation, Positive Thoughts and Feelings v/s Astrologer's Remedies

Astrology, as it is, is inherently designed and in all likelihood, developed to have an effective and precise interpretation of the planets our ancient sages could see, relate to and decipher. As a result, some predictions could be derived from the astrological techniques, hence devised by the sages. Now, in the situation, where the result that could be inferred wasn't upto the liking of an individual or was outrightly negative and predicted an untoward event, certain so called remedies were prescribed. Now, while they may not have all been wrong, and perhaps even may have been effective to some measure. However, their effectiveness, authenticity and credibility in today's day and age is very easy to doubt and be skeptical about. Majority of the modern so-called astrologers rely upon scare tactics to lure people into buying expensive remedies, gemstones, pujas, yagnas and what not. For someone who is already suffering and in trouble, likely even financial trouble, it may anyways be a situation of catch-22. While gemstones might have a moderate effect, if worn properly, and if they are of a very pure quality, etc. However, most of the other methods have in general been rather ineffective in my 18+ years of rigorous personal research (thus far), in my tryst and experimentation, upon myself, and huge majority of individuals around. In fact, they've clearly turned out to be a waste of time, energy and money.

However, this doesn't mean there is no hope for individuals who seek to improve the interpretations of their birth-chart. After all of my research, experiments, I have come to understand that our destiny does lie in our hands to some extent as well. Now, you as a reader may think, that I will talk about freewill. However, freewill is most likely an illusion created to make us feel in-control. An interesting point to be noted here is that 'only those who are destined to mend/improve their current destiny will read this article, understand it, believe it, find it credible and implement it, and the others may just doubt and disregard it'. The others will question, over speculate, simply believe in something else, or just never even get a chance to read this, or some other text like this, or listen to a person talking about subject matter related to this. So, for those who do believe in this so far, please read on.

While, in every possibility, we all come into this world with a pre-destined and pre-determined roadmap. In one of the spiritual texts, I once remember reading "God/Almighty/Source-energy creates a certain set of desires, wishes and goals OR a lack of the same OR another possible set of ideas, all of which are based on, and lead us to the destined life we are supposed to lead, experience and enjoy/struggle with, in our lifetimes, here on this planet". So, when an astrologer tells us about our future having certain issues or difficulties, what is the correct way to tackle it? In my experience, and from the experience of many others that I have prescribed it to, and who have supposedly stuck with certain protocols, the answer is meditation, positive thinking, result and feeling based visualisation, internally connecting with the source-energy. All of these can be summed up under one word: Prayer. Quiet prayer. Connecting with our souls, which in turn is directly connected to the source, while residing in our physical body. To explain this in a more metaphorical way, lets suppose that the planets in our solar system are the direct managers above us and the source energy is the CEO of the firm we work for. If our manager has an issue with us, or is being mean to us, we can always try to become a better person or a better worker to appease him/her, however, in some cases, it may or may not work, so who do we approach? Well, we approach the CEO directly, or the source-energy, as that can override our bad karma, due to which we may be subjected to the suffering through our direct line managers or the planets we interpret through astrology. But again, we'll only even think about, come across, or get to believe such an analogy, if we are destined to.

So, one answer to our troubles is prayer, asking for forgiveness from the almighty god/source-energy. In addition, to add our own efforts, we should indulge in visualising the object of desire and inculcate the feeling of having achieved those desires and a certain for ourselves, in our being and in our disposition. I have personally seen this work wonders, for me and many known to me. Like the book and the documentary movie 'The Secret', or Joseph Murphy's book 'The power of the subconscious mind', or Normant Vincent Peale's book 'The amazing results of positive thinking', and many others written and presented to project a very similar analogy and unravel similar secrets about our lives and the secrets to success. A lot more needs to be said in this regard. Like the our minds having the capability of connecting to the various wavelengths, frequencies and dimensions existing within and around us, through which we can achieve light years beyond what we think our capacity is. But for now, I'll end by saying, connect to the CEO, instead of banging your heads on the Manager's door or following the advice of clever parasites.

Finally, always remember, Think about what you desire, Feel having achieved what you desire, Maintain that feeling for as long as and as clearly as you possibly can, Add productive and necessary action into it's achievement, Enjoy the results, Repeat.

May god bless us all.


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