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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

Sun - Confidence , Over-Confidence or Arrogance?

Sun, is the life force energy for our planet and our existence here, based on Vedic Astrology. It is the biggest in terms of size in our solar system, and is probably the most important element in an astrology birth chart. It is Hot. Extremely Hot. That is good, especially for life sustenance. However, sometimes, that can be a bad thing in an astrology chart. Why? Well, don't we all know that confidence is a good thing, rather an important aspect of anyone's personality and very important for growth and progress. However, the opposite is true as well. Over confidence is not a desirable trait. It is a big detriment for material success and for relationships, rather almost everything. We all know that there is a thin line of difference between confidence and arrogance. But, what is responsible for that difference? Well, while there can be multiple reasons for such an attribute, however in astrology, one of the bigger reasons for that is the position and condition of the Sun in one's birth-chart.

Sun represents one's father, the government, and besides many others, it represents our confidence or the lack of it. So, the Sun gets exalted in the sign of Aries and debilitated in the sign of Libra. Sun is also very strong in the sign of Leo (which it is the ruler of). It is also usually in strength in the sign of Sagittarius and weak in the signs of Saturn which are Capricorn and Aquarius. This is primarily because Sun represents the ruler or the king. However, Saturn represents the common human or the masses. Sun isn't very comfortable when amongst the masses, at least not when it is there without being recognized as the king. So, what happens then? Well, especially in the signs of Saturn, it becomes uncomfortable. It wants to tell everyone, "I'm the king". Treat me well, I'm better than you. I'm above you, you don't recognize me, because I'm not on my throne, but I am really the king.

However, since it either isn't really the king, or isn't certainly recognized as one in the weaker signs, it becomes arrogant and irritated. Such a person gets angry easily, is not humble. (You see the king is humble and confident, not because he is actually nice, but rather because it doesn't have to be arrogant or needy or hunting for attention). But since it doesn't get that level of importance that it naturally assumes it should, it is like fish out of water, "uncomfortable", "loud", "angry" and 'seemingly' but "not necessarily overconfident". So, do we manage such a Sun energy in our charts?

Of course it is mostly our past karmas and such that define our current birth-charts and destiny. Such people, should try and understand that although they may feel out of their comfort zone, but simply recognizing the reality of the situation and humbling down to match their peers would resolve their situation. Managing the ego and keeping it in check and being more empathetic and considerate and behaving like you "are on the throne" (even if not actually), will put the peace back into your life, and improve your relations with people, although it may not be as easy, it will definitely be very beneficial.

God bless us all.


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