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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

The Might of The Ascendant Degree

In Vedic Astrology, whenever we calculate and create birth-chart for an individual, we obtain a chart depicting all the planets placed in various positions across the whole chart. They may be either some distance apart and spread out evenly or evenly, or some of them may even be concentrated in a cluster. While all of these may be of great significance from the perspective of interpretation for an astrologer. However, something that should be perceived as the base to build upon that interpretation is the exact degree of the ascendant or the rising sign.

This degree, which also can be considered as the house cusp for each of the houses/blocks in the birth-chart, is extremely important from the perspective of analysing, interpreting and making predictions, as it alters the strength of the planets specific to the astrology birth-chart. For instance, if a planet is at 1 degree Leo, it may be deemed as in the state of infancy by some astrologers. Due to this, it may be considered weak in a chart, however, it will act very differently based upon what is the actual degree of the ascendant. So, while it may be weak for a 20 degree ascendant, it may be extremely potent and powerful (from the degree perspective), for a 0, 1, 2 or 3 degree ascendant. Of course, the overall birth-chart, house and sign placement, as well as conjunctions, aspects and so on also need to be considered in the overall interpretation.

Another important secret is, that since the ascendant degree denotes the house cusp as well, whenever the ascendant lord passes through the house cusp, it activates and may help giving the results of those houses whenever it transits over that exact degree. For instance, for a Capricorn ascendant, whenever Saturn transits the house cusp of the 4th house, it can indicate purchase of a vehicle, convenience, real estate, or even general refurbishment of a property, etc.

There are many other important effects related to the degree that the ascendant carries, but every chart needs to be assessed individually to understand and decode the secrets within.

My god bless us all.


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