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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

The Phoenix - Rising from the ashes & The Vipareeta Raj-Yoga

In the greek mythology, there is a significant mention of a bird known as The Phoenix, which is compared to the sun. Phoenix, which lives for over 500 years, is known to be burnt, but it doesn't burn and die, but recovers and re-emerges from its own ashes and continues to live on. It is known to be compared to sun and the life force, and has a very significant and powerful metaphorical depiction.

Very interestingly, Vedic astrology, which consists of hundreds of combinations of success, and many negative combinations as well, commonly referred to as 'yogas' in Sanskrit, has one such yoga known as the Vipareeta Raj-Yoga. A vedic astrological birth chart has 12 houses or blocks, each signifying an area of our life, and using such a chart, and many other charts and methods, an astrologer usually derives on certain predictions. Now, according to this particular Vipareeta Raj-Yoga, whenever the lord/owner of the 6th, 8th or 12th house (which are known as the most malefic and negative houses), is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house itself, it cancels out the negative effect and if placed in a friendly or conducive sign, and if it fulfils certain other requirements, such a planet may give initial hardships and make an individual even lose everything or be considered finished, however, it revives, and becomes capable of giving the exact opposite result and the individual rises from their own ashes and reach incredible heights of success in their lifetime. It's also comparable to a transformation from water to fire or extreme failure to incredible success!

Many factors need to be considered in determining the presence of such a combination which may bring about such dramatic and rather inspiring fall and rise of an individual. These factors may include the sign placement, conjunctions, the planet's placement in the Navamsa chart, the ashtakvarga score that the house receives, the shadbal of the planet, etc.

Rising from the ashes, and achieving great success, often results in the creation of very dynamic individuals, with some great stories to tell, and inspire. It's one of the greatest strengths of an individual, to face extreme adversity and such a person becomes all the more strong and unshakeable.

May god bless us all.


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