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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

The Sun and Planetary Combustion

If there is one element of our solar system, or in fact one element and reality of all of our lives that almost all of us are aware of, is the Sun. The mighty Sun is what regulates our days, gives us light, gives us energy, gives us many nutrients and is a catalyst for many as well, gives us heat, is considered by many as basic life energy, etc.

The Sun is like that big magnetic figure we all may have noticed around us or have in our lives. Those figures, may it be our bosses, our illustrious movie celebrities, or that friend who is so amazing, dynamic and bright that he/she always steals the spot light. These figures can either steal all of the attention from us and at times look like our existence is all but a mere joke in their presence, or they may point the spotlight at us and we may be able to avail the privileges that come with it. Similarly, in Vedic astrology, there is a concept of planetary combustion. According to which, whenever any planet or celestial body comes too close to the Sun, it is considered to have become combust or it's significance been burnt. This an easily be explained by another example. During a sunny day, try looking up at the Sun (please use caution and wear good quality UV protected sunglasses), even for a couple seconds. You will notice that when the sign shines bright, everything in it's close proximity is almost non existent, just like we were in the company of our illustrious friends or that big movie celebrity in our other examples earlier. Get the picture?

In the traditional texts of Vedic astrology hence, the planets and celestial bodies such as Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, etc. lose all or some of their own significations for a birth chart when they come too close to the Sun in the sky, at the time of an individual's birth. The Moon being with in 14 degrees, Mars with in 17 degrees and so on.

However, the way some traditional astrologers portray such a scenario is rather like a very scary fiasco, or even the ultimate catastrophe with regards to the planets being combust. So, while there is truth in the concept of planetary combustion, the actual combustion only really happens when a planet is within 4 or 5 degrees of the Sun. Beyond that, most planets would retain almost all of their significations, whether good or bad. So, the way we should be looking at this phenomena is that the combustion 'zone' starts at the degrees mentioned in the old texts, and slowly, after that the planets start getting affected as get closer and closer. I have seen many such scenarios in my research, where someone with a combust Venus is a famous movie star (even in spite of Venus being the karaka or significator of performing arts, glamour, movie industry, etc.), or some successful athletes having a combust Mars (In spite of Mars being one of the most important Karakas for sports, fighters, soldiers, etc.). The examples are all out there. But, don't get anxious when you see a certain planet sitting with the Sun in the same house. It does not spell doom for you. A lot of factors need to be analysed, and its really the very close degrees which might cause the Sun to overpower and burn a planet's significations, otherwise, there's nothing to worry about. A positive aspect to keep in mind as well, is that if the degrees of the planet in conjunction with the Sun is more than the Sun (meaning its ahead of the Sun), and at least 6-7 degrees ahead of the Sun, it actually gets illuminated by the Sun and its properties and significations may actually improve by being accentuated by the Sun.

As I always say, please remember to analyse a horoscope/birth-chart from an all round holistic viewpoint instead of just concentrating on one combination or one or two great yogas or one or two horrible doshas. A lot may be going on and a lot may be changing up there in the sky every minute.

May god bless us all.


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