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  • Writer's pictureAnhad Dhillon

Vedic Astrology and The Secret to Finding Happiness

Happiness, isn't that what we all constantly strive for? I remember watching that incredible Will Smith movie - 'The Pursuit of Happiness'. It made me think, is it really something that we just we pursue, but cannot really grab and keep with us consistently? Or may be some of us can. Another analogy says that happiness is in fact the journey, but not the destination. It may be found in moments throughout our journey, and in that big moment when we reach our destination. From the more scientific perspective, the neurotransmitter called 'Dopamine' is one of the physiological reasons responsible for us experiencing the feelings of happiness. It is released as a result of our brain sending reward signals to boost our motivation if we achieve a goal (hence the feeling of a lot of happiness when we reach our goals), or it can be chemically induced through various other methods, some sustainable, and some, well, not quite so.

Now, perhaps as a reader, you may wonder, if astrology may actually help us figure out if a person has a higher or lower ability to be happy and remain so? Well, the answer to that is, yes, we are all different, and some more pessimistic, and some more positive than others. Some may find a lot of joy in little things, and others may be rather hard to please. Basically, the 4th house in astrology may give an indication towards whether or how or from where one may seek or find happiness. The placement of the ruler of the 4th house can give us an indication regarding where a person will seek happiness in general in life and the placement of the ruler in the D9 chart or the Navamsa chart can help us determine where the person will find happiness after they're married. For instance, the placement of the 4th lord in the 1st house may mean a person will find happiness within themselves and by developing themselves and taking care of their mind, body, etc. or the placement of the 4th lord in the 9th house may mean they will find happiness in long distance travels, following a spiritual or religious faith, etc.

Besides this, the condition of the 4th house and its ruler needs to be seen. Whether the 4th house ruler is with a friendly planet, in a friendly or enemy sign, exalted, debilitated, etc. Which planets aspect the 4th house also makes a big impact. For example, planets like Saturn, Mars or even the lunar nodes like Rahu can have a rather negative influence, and such a person may find happiness with a great deal of difficulty, in spite of having all the luxuries in life. On the other hand, aspect from a well placed Jupiter or Venus or Moon may be very beneficial.

At the end of the day, happiness is a state of mind, but the state of mind does attract our experiences in life as well. So, trying to keep ourselves in the right mental zone is always crucial. Stay happy and stay blessed.

May god bless us all.


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